Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wecome to the LSM parent blog

10:38 AM
Dear parent,

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you for the good of your student(s).  We are excited about the good things going on at LSM.  The most important change we have made is we have united with the Rethink Group to network with nationally recognized student leaders.  What this means to us is that we have access to some of the best resources for teaching and leadership development in the country only a click away.

Each new series we will post on this blog a Parent Cue, which will introduce you to the teaching and give you ideas how to reinforce it in your home.  Click the link to see the first Parent Cue for the coming series.

In addition to the Parent Cue you will see us on Twitter, Face Book, and Instagram posting bite size quotes from our weekly lessons.

Thanks for your patience and prayers as we continue to search for God's leader for our student ministry.  Until we find this person you can expect your church to do all it can to partner with you for your children's sake.

Craig Walker
Lead Pastor, Lifeway Church

About the author

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